Dec 15, 2017

Decorating with Natural Plants to Deck your Halls

Let the beauty of natural plants and fresh flowers deck your halls this holiday season. Adding greenery such as mistletoe and holly does wonders and can add color, life and warmth to your new Travisso home. Since the color green symbolizes freshness, growth, harmony and fertility—everything we wish for in the New Year to come, it’s a natural for the holidays. In addition, the color green’s psychological impact delivers a sense of security, safety, and peacefulness. At least, that is how I feel when I decorate my home with fresh Christmas plants.

If you are bored with your store-bought Christmas decorations start a new tradition and bring the outdoors inside this holiday season. A real tree vs. an artificial tree is an individual choice. However, these days an artificial tree looks like the real deal and is less mess, work and comes pre-lite. But, the downside is that they are bulky and you have to find a place to store it. Which is not the case with a real tree. It only last for a couple of weeks and requires more maintenance. You also need to water it every day and trim the tips before you decorate. But, there’s nothing like the fresh scent of evergreen in your living room for two weeks. And, as a friendly reminder don’t forget to recycle your tree through the city of Leander’s Parks and Recreation Department.

Fresh cut natural plants to deck your Christmas halls

Grace your home with the beauty and scent of freshly cut evergreens and mistletoe and holly. These natural plants are readily available during the holidays in grocery and hardware store gardening centers. An overabundance of these plants during the holidays also keeps the prices reasonable.

  • Evergreen branches.  If you grow your own evergreen trees you’ll have to prune it first to use the branches. The advantage is the cost savings. If you don’t have evergreen trees you’ll have to purchase the branches. Soaking the branches in water when you get home will increase its life span. The best use for fresh evergreen branches is to create your own unique wreaths and garland for staircases and fireplaces. But, don’t stop there. Use small sprigs of branches to decorate Christmas packages, spruce up a candle, or fill a basket for your bathroom. Or, make your Christmas table extra special by adding an evergreen to a small bud vase. Then, use the vases to set at your guests’ place setting.
  • Mistletoe and holly. I love the green leaves of the mistletoe with the red holly. This perfect pair also harmonizes well together.  It’s easy to mix and match fresh mistletoe and holly. Use to create unique tablescapes and centerpieces for your dining room table, console or coffee table. Put the cut plants in vases and place around your home, or add to a floating candle display. Because these are freshly cut plants you can increase their longevity by displaying them in water. Purchase at your local gardening center or nursery.

Hearty natural plants that will grow from year to year

With a little TLC during the holidays Christmas plants can survive and thrive during the year and beyond. Here’s a few of my favorites that I found to be hearty souls. That’s translation for “I haven’t killed them yet.”

  • Christmas cactus. I love this indoor plant. It is green throughout the year and beautiful in December when it blooms. To showcase its natural beauty for the holidays, place it in a high traffic area of your home or on a special table. Varieties come in vibrant colors such as bright pink, red, and peach flowers. This plant can last for years with the proper care, which, is minimal.
  • Rosemary Christmas tree. This cute little plant prominent at grocery stores and retail chains is shaped into a mini tree for the holidays. It makes a perfect gift and can spruce up any room in your home. However, the best place to use it as a decoration is in the kitchen. After all, rosemary is a herb. The scent is both fresh and intoxicating. Repotting it and keeping it growing throughout the year is to your advantage. Use fresh cut rosemary in roasted chicken and potato recipes and to flavor oils and butter and much more.
  • Poinsettias. They are synonymous with Christmas. During the season you see them everywhere. These days they come in a variety of colors–red, pink, white, and colorful combinations. I like to buy several of them in different sizes and colors. Grouped together they form a gorgeous table, foyer or floor decoration. Keeping them growing throughout the year is tricky but doable. Every year I see how long I can keep my poinsettia alive after the holidays. Let’s just say, some years are better than others.
  • Norfolk Island pine. After recently receiving one of these as a gift I discovered that the Norfolk Island pine is a houseplant. It looks gorgeous in my home as a Christmas decoration. It should only be planted outside in humid areas that do not get below 35 degrees. In Texas, its outside survival hinges on the winter temperatures. If you do take a risk and plant it outside, it can grow to 200 feet. You can successfully grow it inside with a few easy steps and tips.


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