June 2 – Summer water aerobics begins
June events kickoff with a new workout class in the pool! Water Aerobics will take place on Mondays at 6:30 p.m., Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:00 a.m. The class continues all summer until the water is too chilly.

June 2 – Preschool play date at the Palazzo Overlook Deck
Let’s get together for a mid-week playdate. Little ones 5 years and younger are invited! Meet fellow friends and parents in Travisso. To abide by safety and space requirements, we are limiting this gathering to the first 18 people. Please RSVP!
June 2 – Austin Shotokan Karate begins
Sensei Chip is returning to the Palazzo Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m. We’re are excited to have karate back onsite at Travisso. Sensei Chip with Austin Shotokan Karate offers traditional Japanese Karate for children and adults. Sign up for the summer session today! Contact Sensei Chip at 512-785-8191 or atxshotokan@gmail.com
June 2- Book Club continues with “The Henna Artist”
The Book Club has chosen “The Henna Artist” by Alka Joshi for their May book of the month. Join on Zoom Wednesdays at 3 p.m. Passcode: 2437
Wednesday Wind Down
1st & 3rd Wednesday
6:00 PM-8:00 p.m.
Palazzo Pool
We’re hosting live music by the pool every 1st and 3rd Wednesday during the summer. We hope to see you there.
Step into Summer Challenge
June 4 – June 19
Summer is almost here! Let’s enjoy the last bit of spring with a community step challenge. Complete 6,000 steps each day from Friday, June 4 until Saturday, June 19, and you will be entered to win one of two- $100 gift cards.
June 5 – Dive-In Movies: Finding Nemo at the Palazzo Pool
School is out for the summer! Finding Nemo starts at 8:30 p.m. Enjoy a movie by the pool and celebrate with your neighbors. As a reminder, glass containers are not allowed at the pool.
Happy Birthday Travisso!
June 8
6:00 p.m.
Palazzo Parking Lot
Travisso is turning 8 years old! You are invited to our drive-through birthday celebration. We’ll have a free drive-through circus and cupcakes for the first 200 visitors. Garbo’s is joining us and providing dinner for pick up.
Follow us of Facebook for the order link and update on more June events!
Weekly Fitness Classes Continue
HIIT starts at 7 p.m. Wednesdays
Keep your energy up with our during a weekly HIIT class for Travisso residents. The class is 30 minutes and rotates through various intense exercises for a complete workout. Sign up to workout with Zumba instructor, Jacque, today!
Stretch & Tone at the Palazzo Pavilion
Classes every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8-9 a.m. and Saturdays beginning at 9 a.m. Classes are limited to 16 people. RSVPs are required. Masks must be worn for all classes.
There are several other ongoing activities to participate in. Learn more about the weekly fitness classes and events at Travisso.
More Coming This June
Joy Swim School: 2021 Summer Swimming Lessons
The 2021 lesson order is now LIVE and accepting responses. Complete this form and JSS will get back to you with availability.
Summer Dance Camp – Tuesday, June 7 through August
Starting Tuesday, June 7, Layla Dance Studios will offer a summer class session at the Palazzo Pavilion. The summer session will go through the end of August. Learn more about the classes.
Jindo: Bingo with a Beat – Every Tuesday, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom
Travisso is geared up to compete in a weekly Jindo Jam. We’re competing against other CCMC communities in Texas and anyone can win, but I hope it is someone from Travisso. What is Jindo? Find out more on how to play, or join the game!
Savory Farmer’s Market
Every Wednesday
3:00 PM-7:00 PM
Palazzo Parking Lot
If you have not made it to the Farmer’s Market this year, we hope to see you soon! The weather has been perfect for our weekly Farmer’s Market. Follow the Market’s Facebook page updates on June events.